Inbound marketing is a marketing strategy that focuses on getting found by customers. 是一種讓顧客自己找上門的行銷策略。
This sense is related to relationship marketing and Seth Godin’s idea of permission marketing. David Meerman Scott recommends that marketers “earn their way in” (via publishing helpful information on a blog etc.) in contrast to outbound marketing where they used to have to “buy, beg, or bug their way in” (via paid advertisements, issuing press releases in the hope they get picked up by the trade press, or paying commissioned sales people, respectively). 可說是一種「關係行銷」或是「許可行銷」,行銷者以自力挣得顧客的青睞,而非傳統廣告方式去拉顧客。
在HubSpot的文章”Inbound Marketing vs. Outbound Marketing“中說到,人們每天都要受到傳統行銷的攻擊,因此已經有各種方式來過濾這些傳統行銷的訊息,所以傳統行銷根本連接觸到顧客的機會都沒有,就算幸運接觸到了,還是很難打動顧客的喜好。
所以Inbound Marketing(搏來客行銷)最重要的精神應該在於:
(1) Value: 真正提升可以提供給顧客的價值,而非只是以哄騙的方式讓顧客上鉤。
(2) Get found: 在各種免費的管道佈局(部落格、社交網路、搜尋活動等),讓大家看到你所能提供的價值。
(3) Analysis: 以各種分析工具來調整你的網路資產,讓顧客的滿意度極大化。
Inbound Marketing(搏來客行銷) 看看HubSpot怎麼說?
Inbound Marketing (自來行銷/搏來客行銷)為什麼可以吸引注意?